4 Day Supported Hike

Four Day Raft Supported Hike. Lodge to Lodge with raft support. All hiking trips can be booked double occupancy or single hiker with roommate (someone you know). We have two price structures:  
1 for guests booking double occupancy and the other price structure is for an odd number of guests (3,5, or 7) or a single occupancy person who does not have a hiking partner. Lodges provide twin bed accommodations.

September 3rd
to 6th
4 days  

This trips starts at Morrisons Rogue River Lodge the night before. Check in is anytime after 2 pm. We will meet the hikers for a Meet and Greet at 5:45 pm followed by a four course gourmet dinner at 7 pm (May 15th - August 31st) and 6:30pm Sept. 1st- October 31st) **An additional $219 will be added to your invoice for the stay at Morrisons the night before to make up the $2199 trip cost)

This trips starts at Morrisons Rogue Wilderness Lodge the night before. Check in is anytime after 2 pm. We will meet the hikers for a Meet and Greet at 5:45 pm followed by a four course dinner at 7 pm.

($1,980.00 per guest) 4 Day Supported Hike
($4,179.00 per guest) If you are not hiking with another person (single occupancy) or you have an odd number of guests (3, 5, 7). If there is an odd number of guests do not include the guest as a standard fee, use the single occupancy or odd number guest price structure.

Room Options

($0.00 per double occupancy) If booking as a single hiker w/roommate manually enter "0" here.
If you're booking individually, but sharing a room with a friend. Enter "1" here if single hiker with known roommate.